Commit Me! - Part 7 of Snack Size Bites to Feed the Soul


I must admit, I thought my last post Get control of yourself! – Part 6 of Snack Size Bites to Feed Your Soul was my last before the big finale....and yet again, it is not. On the contrary, it became an addition to 'one that got away' list of oh so close stories for me this year. 'It's not you, it's us as we are going through some organizational changes.'

Sure. Fine. Been down this path before. More tears, anger, hugs from the hubby who's growing as tired as I am of not being able to catch a break. March on. It's a new day. The story of my life this past year. The emotional rollercoaster I can't seem to get off of. (Did I tell you I never liked roller coasters!?)

I've been reluctant to share the gloomy part of my story since putting it all out there in my Bite size snacks to feed the soul series last December. I realize that positivity is key to my personal survival and gosh forbid I become known as a 'Negative Nelly'! But sometimes you just need to scream to get over s&*t and my best form of screaming is through blogging; it's my therapy.

Today's blog is about the darker version of this journey but also about how to come out the other side.

Over the past year, I've had days where I get out of bed for a few hours and then can't take it anymore and climb back in. These are my bleakest days; not seeing any end in sight, truly feeling miserable and sorry for myself. Each time came from a trigger of hope this is over and then the disappointing news it is not.

Monday's are particularly hard for me as I consciously give myself a little reprieve of eating-breathing-thinking of employment on the weekends. But when Monday's hit, so does the reality of the situation. Yesterday was this week's version of Monday after our Thanksgiving stat holiday. A lot of anger and frustration but somehow I managed to pick myself up, shower, get out of the house and blog. I'm not sure its strength as much as it was a balmy 25 degrees and sunny out. Mother Nature would have been pissed if I didn't take advantage of it. 🌞 🌷

I'm also not a particularly religious person but I do have faith in God. Yet, my values will not allow me to ask God for a job. It just feels too materialistic; there's enough s*&t going on in the world; he needs to prioritize 🙌 I will admit though, I have lost faith in those 'chin-up' sayings..... 'things happen for a reason', good things come to those that wait, something great is waiting for you'. As a realist, I believe you can attempt to control what you can but then 's&$t happens', you simply have to deal with the aftermath. Luck and timing have been treasured gifts of the past.

Throughout the interview experiences I've had to date, I'm catching on to an emerging skillset companies are seeking in their management candidates. Emotional Intelligence. As someone who's daily flexing the EI muscle, I am completely bought into the benefits of this leadership style. I applaud corporate executives willing to invest in increasing their employees 'humanity acumen'.

I'm still myself, learning how to lead a life away from Negative self-talk. Hope is a necessary feeling as is the development of positive self-talk, perseverance, humility, and resiliency. "Changing our thoughts won’t change reality, but it just might change how you feel about it." - Nick Wignall

Bitching is a temporary snack to feed the soul. Actions, on the contrary, offer a sense of accomplishment and establish a strategic approach to warrant back those gifts of luck and good timing. Perhaps not immediately, but investing in nurturing your narrative produces 'opportunity tentacles' into your network for potential future possibilities. For example, knowing actions speak louder than whining, I recently developed a campaign asking for help to spread the word on what I was looking for to my network.!  I was pleasantly surprised and encouraged by the responses. It's the best campaign I have planned and executed for a mere $20 bucks.

Connections Opened Replied Clicked

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I feel very blessed for the amount of support, encouragement, assistance and new connections I've made this past year. I predict one day that all of these meaningful conversations will pay off.

As a believer that paying it forward sends good karma in the universe, I've made some self-commitments to give back once I've ended this particular story.  (ah yes, that's what she meant by the subject line 'commit-me') 🤔

Yesterday day was not lost. Here's the view from our last boat ride of the season last evening.

Yesterday day was not lost. Here's the view from our last boat ride of the season last evening.

  • Speaking Engagements on my Snack Size Bites to Feed your Soul series

  • Become a Board member for a Non-for-Profit

  • Invest in She-EO I promised Vicky Saunders I would participate when I land. I love what she is doing for women in business at a global level.

I look forward to applying these goals and learnings one day soon. Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts today. It's an especially important day as today, October 10th is World Mental Health Day. A day for continued global mental health awareness, education, and advocacy. The theme for 2018 is “Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World”.  The first WMHD was in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in more than 150 countries.

Your voice matters. Encourage those that need help in finding theirs. - Kimberley


Kimberley Behnan